Селина Лариса Александровна - Кардиолог, запись на прием, отзывы, цены Алматы - iDoctor.kz

Селина Лариса Александровна

Тәжірибе 10 жыл
Селина Лариса Александровна
Рейтинг 5.3
1 пікір

Дәрігер туралы

Пікірлер (1)

Пікірлер 1 пікір
Барлық Пікірлер: 1 Барлығы: 1
Жағымды: 1 1
Теріс: 0 0
Август 2023
Well, what am I supposed to say? How do I describe the best cardiologist I know?! As for me - a top-level professional who knows almost everything about heart disease, and even more, and all this is without looking into the Sinelnikov's "Anatomy" :-). A brilliant specialist in echocardiography, able to find problem areas in the cardiovascular system in a matter of seconds. I can also say with a certain degree of certainty that the Doctor can interpret Your electrocardiograms on the fly! By the way, you must go for a physical examination not only just in case of illness but also for the purposes of prevention. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than cure it, right? I would say that I am still in shock that there is such a major specialist in such a minor city, which makes a tremendous compliment to this place. And in my humble opinion this fact drastically increases the authority of Stepnogorsk to the level of Gotham City with its own SUPER HERO, only by no means a bat-winged man! In any case, inhabitants of the 50-thousandth city now have a unique opportunity to worry less about heart and blood vessel diseases. Diagnosis bona – curatio bona. I must say that I do not advertise anyone, but I speak from the bottom of my heart! And most importantly - from the HEALTHY heart! :-) And I wish the same for You! Be less nervous, think positive and everything will be fine!
Август 2023
Well, what am I supposed to say? How do I describe the best cardiologist I know?! As for me - a top-level professional who knows almost everything about heart disease, and even more, and all this is without looking into the Sinelnikov's "Anatomy" :-). A brilliant specialist in echocardiography, able to find problem areas in the cardiovascular system in a matter of seconds. I can also say with a certain degree of certainty that the Doctor can interpret Your electrocardiograms on the fly! By the way, you must go for a physical examination not only just in case of illness but also for the purposes of prevention. After all, it is better to prevent the disease than cure it, right? I would say that I am still in shock that there is such a major specialist in such a minor city, which makes a tremendous compliment to this place. And in my humble opinion this fact drastically increases the authority of Stepnogorsk to the level of Gotham City with its own SUPER HERO, only by no means a bat-winged man! In any case, inhabitants of the 50-thousandth city now have a unique opportunity to worry less about heart and blood vessel diseases. Diagnosis bona – curatio bona. I must say that I do not advertise anyone, but I speak from the bottom of my heart! And most importantly - from the HEALTHY heart! :-) And I wish the same for You! Be less nervous, think positive and everything will be fine!
Пікір қалдыру

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